Laredo, Tx, January 2024] — On January 15, 2024 Laredo Next Generation Rotary donated women, children and men’s clothing to Casa de Misericordia (Casa). This clothing was collected in a clothing drive organized by Laredo Next Generation Rotary members. Club members met with Sister Rosemary Welsh Executive Director, Nena Arambula Director of Programs and Zeina Ramos Education Administrator and learned about the prevalence of domestic violence. Sister Rosemary volunteered to speak to the club members and the community regarding Casa de Misericordia and the services it offers. This meeting was held on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:30pm at Pla Mor Entertainment. Rotary continued its partnership with Casa and on January 25, 2024 members of the club provided a training to the residents at Casa to assist with interviewing skills.
About Casa de Misericordia - In 1997 Sister Rosemary Welsh and the staff of health care workers at the Mercy Clinic recognized an alarming number of women in violent situations, at this same time the community was requesting a domestic violence shelter that would accept pregnant women and provide counseling services. Casa de Misericordia, a domestic violence shelter, opened its doors on July 7, 1998 and since then has provided secured, temporary residential services to victims of domestic violence. They offer 24-hour full service emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis telephone line, non-residential outreach services, referrals to medical services, counseling for children and adults, legal assistance, pro-bono attorney referrals, support groups, children’s advocacy and services, educational and life skill training, safety planning and case management. Casa provides services to individuals and families who are victims and survivors of domestic violence. They are committed to changing the way domestic violence is perceived, as well as the way battered victims and their family needs are responded to. For more information please contact Casa De Misericordia at 956 -712-9590 or 1-877- SU- CASA2.
About the Laredo Next Generation Rotary Club - The Laredo Next Generation Rotary is a group of young professionals that have come together to serve the community. The club has built several playgrounds in Laredo including the playgrounds at North Central Park, Dovalina Elementary, and Sacred Heart Children’s Home, in addition to several other small projects the club does to help around the community. To learn more about the Club, please visit their website at www.nextgenerationrotary.com. The club meets at Pla-Mor Entertainment every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
About Rotary - Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit Rotary.org.
President: Laura Narvaez blaura_vargas@yahoo.com
Social media: Instagram @laredonextgenrotary or Facebook @LaredoNextGenerationRotary