[Laredo, Tx, January 2024] —Laredo Next Generation Rotary, together with City Commissioner Elect Daisy Perez, is hosting a book and supply drive for the library from now until February 15th. Supplies that can be donated include: books, construction paper, markers, crayons, pencils, pens, erasers, glitter, water or acrylic paints, scissors, glue, spiral notebooks, theme paper, yarn, poster board, rulers, and pencil sharpeners.The Lamar Bruni Vergara El Cenizo Library opened its doors on May 11, 2017. The library was funded by the Lamar Bruni Vergara Trust and was completed through a collaboration with UISD, The County of Webb and the City of El Cenizo. The library is operated by the City of El Cenizo and serves approximately 100 students weekly Monday- Friday 2pm-7pm. It currently houses 3,614 books. It is funded by the City of El Cenizo’s fund and private and public donations made to the library. The library is also in need of financial support to help with equipment upgrades, furnishing and new shelving.
WHEN: Now – February 15th
WHERE: Donations can be made at Pla Mor Entertainment, 2819 Bob Bullock Loop or at 1st Choice Therapy, 6999 McPherson Rd #212
CONTACT: Daisy Perez City Commissioner Elect at 956-229-2311 or Laura Narvaez Next Generation Rotary President at 956-645-0751
About the Laredo Next Generation Rotary Club - The Laredo Next Generation Rotary is a group of young professionals that have come together to serve the community. The club has built several playgrounds in Laredo including the playgrounds at North Central Park, Dovalina Elementary, and Sacred Heart Children’s Home, in addition to several other small projects the club does to help around the community. To learn more about the Club, please visit their website at www.nextgenerationrotary.com. The club meets at Pla-Mor Entertainment every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
About Rotary - Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit Rotary.org.
President: Laura Narvaez blaura_vargas@yahoo.com
Social media: Instagram @laredonextgenrotary or Facebook @LaredoNextGenerationRotary